E whāngai waiū ki ngā pēpi whānau kopepe kei rō tonu i te hohipera

What are the factors influencing breastmilk feeding for preterm pēpi (infants) in Aotearoa (New Zealand) neonatal care units?

In Aotearoa, there are ethnic differences in how often mothers breast milk feed their pēpi. We want to hear your stories about your feeding journey. We want to figure out why there is a difference in the rate of breastmilk feeding. We’d like to know if you were able to provide breastmilk to your pēpi, or was your pēpi given formula milk or donor breast milk? And we really want to understand what types of care in the hospital was helpful/unhelpful for you, when it came to breastmilk feeding your pēpi. We hope to use this information to inform future healthcare practice for mothers/whānau and pēpi, and improve health outcomes for all pēpi.

If you’re interested or have any pātai, contact our kaimahi below.

Te Atarua Davis