Community Voices Needed to Challenge Legislative Threats to Māori Wellbeing

The repeal no one asked for

As the Coalition Government rushes to repeal the Smokefree legislation today, Aotearoa’s largest Māori Public Health Organisation are just as concerned that they do not have an effective replacement to combat smoking in the future.

Community Voices Needed to Challenge Legislative Threats to Māori Wellbeing

Not all of New Zealand on track for a Smokefree 2025

Hāpai Te Hauora, Aotearoa’s largest Māori Public Health organisation warns that Māori will not reach the 5% target for a Smokefree 2025. Modelling shows that unless we act with urgency, Māori will be left behind and not reach this goal until 2040

Discover Whitiora: The Pursuit of Eternal Well-being

Discover Whitiora: The Pursuit of Eternal Well-being

What is Whitiora?  Whitiora is a holistic health kaupapa underpinned by the Toiora Framework. The Toiora Framework provides a blueprint for achieving, collective and individual, optimal well-being, centering whānau at the heart of the kaupapa. The purpose of Whitiora...