What is Whitiora?
Whitiora is a holistic health kaupapa underpinned by the Toiora Framework. The Toiora Framework provides a blueprint for achieving, collective and individual, optimal well-being, centering whānau at the heart of the kaupapa. The purpose of Whitiora is to facilitate access to rauemi and mātauranga that whānau can integrate into their lives to maintain Toiora.
What is Toiora?
Toiora is to be in a state of optimum wellbeing and is achieved through the maintenance of balance between the four pou ora – wairua (spiritual wellbeing), ngākau (emotional wellbeing), hinengaro (mental wellbeing) and tinana (physical wellbeing).
Through the toiora framework, we learn that hauora is not a constant state, but rather hauora exists on a continuum between toiora and kahupō (spiritual blindness).
Toiora is sustained and restored through experiences of ihi (to be enraptured with life), wehi (being in awe of life) and wana (being enamoured with life).
Unlocking Toiora Through Whitiora
Through the kaupapa of Whitiora, we share the taonga of Toiora and encourage whānau to look to te ao Māori me ngā tikanga to proactively prevent imbalances in our pouora. Whitiora recognises the inherent humanity of te ira tangata, understanding that at any moment, our pou may fall out of alignment – this is natural part of life! Yet, it emphasizes that there are actions we can take to invite experiences of ihi, wehi, and wana into our lives, leading to the restoration of our pou ora.
We understand that the path to achieving and sustaining Toiora is unique for everyone and the examples offered by Hāpai Te Hauora are intended solely to guide you on your journey. We know that the best rongoā for whānau and hapori Māori, is undeniably to be immersed in and connected to te ao Māori me ngā tikanga.
Let Whitiora be your guide to eternal wellbeing!
Whitiora 2023: By Hāpai Te Hauora
For Mental Health Awareness Week 2023, whānau can explore Whitiora by:
- Engaging in our online campaign: A celebration of the ihi, wehi, and wana moments we’ve collectively experienced with our hapori through the Whitiora kaupapa.
- A series of workshops designed to invite experiences of ihi, wehi, and wana.
Check out our awesome hotaka for the week!
Discover Whitiora At Home
Explore Whitiora with our downloadable booklet. Inside, you’ll uncover engaging activities and valuable insights that can enhance your understanding and connection with Whitiora.