Lealailepule Edward Cowley

Tala Pasifika Lead
National Tobacco Control Advocacy

Edward is of Samoan descent and carries the Samoan Chieftain name Lealailepule. The name Lealailepule comes from the saying 'Le ala i le pule o le tautua' which translates to 'The path to leadership is through service'. This indeed is an apt sentiment as he is passionate about serving Pacific people, in particular around improving their health and wellbeing.

Edward is an energetic and innovative leader for a number of communities, his respectful approach to working in collaboration makes him a highly valued asset to any work team.

He has contributed significantly to Pacific health in stop smoking advocacy, leadership and health promotion roles. He is a strong advocate for Pacific people being informed in nutrition and physical activity, and believes in leading by example to help communities he works with make the change for health.

From Edward: “Smokefree/ Tupeka Kore is a choice we can all celebrate in. Never under estimate the influence you have on your friends and whanau, that seed you plant today could start someone you care about on their smokefree journey."