Annual Insights 2023-2024

Chairperson's Statement

It is my privilege to present the Hāpai Te Hauora Annual Report for 2023/2024. This year has been one of immense change, significant achievements, and steadfast dedication to improving Māori health outcomes.


This year, we welcomed our new CEO, Jacqui Harema, who has brought fresh energy, innovative ideas, and a renewed focus on community-driven approaches. I must also acknowledge Jason Alexander, who served as interim CEO, providing stability and leadership during the transition. I also wish to acknowledge the invaluable contributions of my fellow Board partners, Te Whānau o Waipareira and Raukura Hauora o Tainui. Their collaboration and commitment over the past twenty-nine years have been vital in navigating challenges and celebrating our shared successes.

Achievements and Milestones

There have been many achievements over the past year, which our Chief Executive, Jacqui Harema, will elaborate on in her report. As Chair, I have been proud to witness the team’s hard work on the successful launch of the SERPA (Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act) petition, the launch of the Whakakotahitanga FASD Diagnostic Guidelines, various community activations, and the thoughtful submissions made by the team. The collective work with other partners and the many other initiatives undertaken this year are a testament to their dedication.

Looking Ahead

I am confident that Hāpai Te Hauora is well-positioned to continue its leadership in Māori public health. Under the guidance of our new CEO and team members, and with the strength of our partnerships, we remain steadfast in our mission to uplift the aspirations of Māori and all communities as we strive towards Oranga Whenua, Oranga Tangata.

Final Words

On behalf of the Board, I extend my deepest gratitude to all those who have supported Hāpai Te Hauora this year. To our funders, partners, kaimahi, and communities—your trust and collaboration are the backbone of our success.

Image of Hapai Te Hauora Chairman John Marsden CNZM, QSO, JP

John Marsden CNZM, QSO, JP

Chair | Hāpai Te Hauora

Yearly Highlights

Petition Against Smokefree Legislation Repeal

A major advocacy effort this year was our petition opposing the repeal of the Smokefree Environments and Regulated Products Act (SERPA). Through organised promotion, Hāpai Te Hauora gathered and presented over 53,000 signatures to Parliament, amplifying community voices in support of our smoke-free policies.

Policy Advocacy

We continued to play a crucial role in representing community perspectives in policy discussions. This year, we contributed written and oral submissions to several government select committees, including:

  • Smokefree Legislation (Feb 2024)
    Fast-Track Approvals Bill (April 2024)
  • Emergency Management Bill (Dec 2023)
  • Local Government Electoral
  • Legislation (June 2024)

Auahitūroa: A Eulogy to Tobacco – Travelling Art Exhibition

In support of Smokefree Aotearoa 2025, we partnered with some exceptional regional artists to create Auahitūroa, a travelling art exhibition that creates pivotal engagement about the impact tobacco has on Aotearoa, especially Māori. Each region’s artwork reflects the ways tobacco has affected their
communities, sending a powerful message of local ownership and resilience. Over the coming years we will continue to evolve
and elevate Auahitūroa whilst exploring new avenues to share these stories.

Te Ō Rari

This project aims to reconnect urban Māori whānau with land-based food systems, advocating for community-driven solutions while strengthening ties to whenua, culture, and future generations. Te Ō Rari exemplifies the power of community-led
initiatives fostering a deep sense of ownership and engagement among communities.

Development and Launch of Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Guidelines

Our research team collaborated with specialists and whānau with lived experience to develop Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) Diagnostic Guidelines tailored for Aotearoa.
Launched by the Minister of Health, Hon Dr Shane Reti, these guidelines will be accompanied by training modules and
resources, which Hāpai Te Hauora will be helping to create and deliver.

Whiria Te Hauora - Protecting Every Breath

Our Whiria Te Hauora two-day wānanga concluded the financial year on a strong note. This gathering brought together
over 250 participants from Sudden unexpected Death in Infancy (SUDI) and tobacco control sectors, along with other relevant fields, to focus on data, trends, and innovations. By promoting a holistic approach to māmā and pēpi well-being grounded in mātauranga Māori, this event fostered further collaboration across our SUDI and tobacco teams.

Annual Report 2023-2024

Download the Hapai Te Hauora 2023-2024 Annual Report (PDF).

Annual Report 2023-2024

Download the Hapai Te Hauora 2023-2024 Annual Report (PDF).