Rangi McLean
Goal: kia mau ki to tatau Ao Maori – to ensure that we hold fast to all things Maori in what we do at Hapai Te Hauora Tapui.
Tuhoe, Ngati Porou, Waikato-Ngāti Māniapoto Iwi. Born Waimana, Bay of Plenty - 8th July 1957. Married with six children, three mokopuna and a resident of Manurewa for the past twenty-eight years.
Strategically my intention is to make an impact that would benefit our communities of interest in Tamaki Makaurau, not only of our Tuhoe People residing in Tamaki Makaurau but also on our home Marae within Te Rohe Potae o Tuhoe. I subscribe to the kaupapa which encourages the notion of people helping people and making beneficial impacts for the communities that they serve. I firmly believe that everybody has skills and experience from which they make a contribution to the common good.
I respect the dignity and values of each person and endeavour to provide services of high quality, which will help everyone to participate in our society. Ma te Matua Nui Ite Rangi e Manaaki e tiaki ia tatau i nga Wa Katoa
You can email Rangi here rangi@hapai.co.nz