Ingi Hayward
I te taha o toku Papa
Ko Otaemaewa toku maunga
Ko Kauri Whati toku awa
Ko Mamari toku waka
Ko Piki Te Aroha toku Marae
Ko Waihou Hutoia toku whenua tapu
Ko Ngati Hao/Hau toku hapu
Ko Ngapuhi toku iwi
Ko Patuone toku Tupuna
No Rahiri ahau
I te taha o toku Mama
Ko Moehau o Tamatehapua toku maunga
Te Arawa toku Waka
Ko Whangapoua toku moana
Ko Mangakahia toku whanau
Ko Ngati Huarere ki Whangapoua toku iwi
Kia ora koutou, as a Mother of two and a Nano of five mokpuna my desire is to ensure that my whanau walk sure footed and with pride on this whenua of Aoteraroa. Whina Coopers “Take care of our children...” is what drives me.
I reside in Tai Tokerau and come from a nursing background. I have worked in the Public Health field for the last 25 years in the many disciplines of
Health Promotion. Advocating for Maori voice and rights is the basis for all mahi that I undertake.