Georgia McCarty
Teenaa koutou katoa. He uri ahau noo Waikato-Tainui. Noo Ngaati Tamaoho, Ngaati Tahinga, Waiohua ahau. Kei te mihi.
My genealogical links are to Waikato-Tainui, so it is a privilege to be able to research within Hāpai te Hauora, where Tainui serve as one of the partners. After obtaining a Physical Education, Sport and Exercise Science degree, I undertook a Postgraduate Diploma housed within Te Koronga - a Maaori graduate excellence group at the University of Otago. I then completed a doctorate in Maaori Public Health in the Ngāi Tahu Māori Health Research Unit. My PhD focused on describing and understanding hauora rangatahi Maaori from the perspectives of rangatahi (young Maaori aged 8-17 years) and their whaanau to determine the acceptability of health-related quality of life measures (HRQoL) for rangatahi. I am passionate about ensuring equitable health for Maaori through Kaupapa Maaori research that contributes to positive and meaningful hauora Maaori and whaanau oranga outcomes.