Ally Tamihere
Ko Màkeo ràua Ko Maungahaumi oku Maunga
Ko Waiaua ràua Ko Waipaoa oku Awa
Ko Mataatua ràua Ko Horouta oku Waka
Ko Òmarumutu ràua Ko Takitimu oku Marae
Ko Ngàti Ruatakenga ràua Ko Te Whànau-a-Kai Ngà Potiki oku Hapù
Ko Te Whakatòhea ràua Ko Te Aitanga-à-Màhaki oku Iwi
He uri ahau no Ngàti Porou me Ngàti Rongomai hoki….
My experience is in admin, governance and event management. I have worked in admin roles within the education sector, as well as in governance positions through Regional and Zone sports boards.
This year I was fortunate enough to complete my diploma in Whānau Ora and social services. I have since worked in the Whānau Ora space which empowers whānau to succeed in taking care of their wellbeing along with supporting their whānau at home too. I love networking and getting the opportunity to work alongside our whānau.